Friday, October 22, 2010

Snuggles the masturbating cat

     So, I have been pet sitting for my parents this week. When I had roommates this was a good thing. As a homeowner living by myself it’s more of a pain in the ass than anything. Over the years pets have come and gone at my folks house but I must say there is quite a mix over there at this point in time. The main players include a middle size geriatric mutt dog, a Papillon puppy and a long haired male cat named Snuggles. I know what I’m getting with the dogs. Lots of barking, running around, all your normal canine carnage but I must say the cat threw me for a loop this time around. This cat was humping anything that slightly resembled any living creature. Blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, you name it this cat wanted a piece of all of it. If Snuggles smoked after sex he would be up to a pack a day! A dog humping something is disgusting, but a cat? Words can’t explain how filthy an act it is! Tonight is my first night back home and I think I may poke my eyes out with a fork so I never have to witness such an act again.

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